Maybe the Universe is trying to tell me to keep my mouth shut.
Saturday night and a couple of times Sunday morning, my laptop kept shutting down and going black.
I have no idea what's going on with it. Maybe it's just tired.
I was burning it up into the wee hours Saturday night
Yeah, maybe it just needed a rest.
Sunday I got a few things done on it and it seemed fine again
but then that night my wireless went out.
Still out all day and night Monday.
I tried unplugged and re-plugging and all sorts of things.
So here's a brief post from my work computer,
done while I'm on my non-smoking break
and sadly no photos.
(Thank god I still have a phone.)
I can still do Instagram and read and comment on Facebook.
But no posting with my photos off of my computer
and I can't get the hang of posting comments via my cell.
And....the plot has thickened.
Apparently the back stabbing of the other day is not an isolated incident.
Nope, going on for more than TWO years.
I've had people come to me and apologize for believing her in the past
and for "hating" me.
I'm told even the two new vets were "reserved" around me
because they believed me to be a "Pot-stirrer".
And here I was, pretty oblivious to it.
Just in my own little world.
Sure, I could "feel" that bad energy
and I've caught the look of narrowed eyes sometimes but...
I just went back to my boarders in a quandary.
Yep. Yep. Yep.
So, her confession turned things around.
That and the fact the I had to swear on my Blue's life.
Once again my dog was there for me.
Thank God for Blue
My best bud, my confidant, my hero.
(Blue's photo would be here if I had the ability to access it.)
Just goes to show what I've always known.
Dogs are better than most people
and Blue is better than them all.